Gift Guidelines

The following statement is in the student handbook. 

In U.S. culture, university-level teachers don’t expect gifts from students. In fact, MELP instructors are not allowed to accept expensive gifts from students. If you would like to show appreciation to any of your teachers at the University, a way to do this would be to write them a nice note (on a card or in an email) at the end of the semester, or submit a short thank you note through the U of M’s “Thank a Teacher Program.”  Your teachers will appreciate your kind words!

It is understood that in some cultures students show appreciation by presenting a gift to an instructor; you may accept gifts that do not exceed a nominal value of $25.  Other gifts should not be accepted.  You can tell the student that you appreciate their thought but it is against MELP policy for you to accept the gift.

More guidance on gifts, including gifts from business entities can be found in the University of Minnesota Individual Conflicts of Interest policy.


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