MELP Instructional Approach

MELP Instructional Approach

Classes are designed to meet learners’ academic language goals. Content and pacing decisions are driven by students’ needs in relation to the program outcomes rather than by textbooks or standardized tests. Students are encouraged to take initiative in their learning by asking and answering questions, raising and responding to issues, and reflecting on how they think their learning is progressing. They are also encouraged to become independent learners and are required to develop their own resources for solving language problems and making real world connections.

A range of methodologies, adapted and authentic materials, and technologies are used to benefit learners with different needs and to promote learner engagement. We value student-centered instruction which utilizes meaningful and interactive activities that provide real language practice and promote critical thinking and communicative goals.  These activities also give learners extensive opportunities for contextualized language practice. Through this practice, learners are exposed to a range of tasks and topics offering a broad foundation of syntactic, lexical, and pragmatic experience. Integral to all instruction is a focus on both fluency and accuracy, as well as opportunities to negotiate meaning and receive feedback on language performance.

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