Review of Teaching in MELP

MELP conducts two types of teaching observations: evaluative observations and developmental observations. Descriptions of both types of observations are available in this chart describing MELP’s review of teaching process.  See  the"Observations" subfolder in the “Faculty Information” folder of the CCAPS MELP Info Shared drive for more details about both observation processes and the required documentation.
University Policy

The University of Minnesota requires that all faculty, including adjunct instructors, be evaluated via Student Rating of Teaching (SRT) as well as peer review. You can read the full U of M policy here.

These requirements are intended to help faculty identify teaching strengths and areas in which teaching can be enhanced to improve student learning.

MELP Faculty Guidelines

MELP strives to provide high-quality academic courses to foster English language and cultural development and to prepare students with academic skills to reach their goals. Our approach is learner-centered; thus, we envision teaching as a process that fosters and facilitates learning. Instructors are committed to facilitating student learning by continuous improvement of their teaching practice. You can read the full MELP Instructional Approach here.

Student Rating of Teaching (SRT)

The University of Minnesota Student Rating of Teaching (SRT), administered by the U of M Office of Measurement Services, is meant to support the University's Student Learning Outcomes. The University requires that all courses be evaluated using the SRT every time the course is taught. Each semester, MELP arranges these end-of-course evaluations for all courses. The survey is conducted online and can be linked through the course Canvas site

Improving Teaching with Formative Feedback

While summative methods are designed to evaluate teaching, formative methods of evaluation offer feedback to improve teaching during the semester.  MELP asks instructors to  collect anonymous feedback from their students at midterm.  Also confirm that students are aware of the progress they are making and recognize any grade or attendance problems.  Examples for both collecting anonymous feedback and for checking in with students about their progress and attendance are in the Course Planning Documents > Midterm Feedback and Midterm Student Progress Examples folder in the MELP Info Shared drive.  You also have the option of importing an Early Term Survey developed by OIT and CEI directly into Canvas.

The following resources offer useful suggestions for gathering formative feedback from students:


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